There is no born perfect lover, only two hearts constantly running in in life.
Whether the marriage is good or not, you can tell by your mouth.
Eat well, sleep well, and being healthy is more important than anything else.
People, apart from health, everything is floating clouds!
How much fun is traditional culture? When Tencent joined hands with the Qin Mausoleum, even the Terracotta Warriors became different.
Why do contemporary young people live more and more "go back"?
To be a simple person, to live a simple and unique life.
Please collect the most correct way of life for yourself.
In a good year, you must remember that it is the time of orange, orange and green.
See you in September. Hello, October.
How can everything be satisfactory, but be worthy of your heart.
If you figure it out, you'll never be angry again.
May you have a home, some people love, there is a home, there is a way back, peace of mind is happiness.
If the family is harmonious, no matter how poor it is, the family can get rich.
May you have something to eat, be loved, have enough to drink and eat, and be happy.
People who love to eat are the most worthy of deep acquaintance.
To be a simple person, to live a simple and unique life.
The best way to test marriage is to fight.
May you not embarrass yourself, live up to the years, and cherish it in an ordinary life.
The best way to live for the rest of my life. You're absolutely right.