If you find life difficult, go to exercise.
Exercise is the best nourishment.
Some people have flowers and trees that grow toward the sun.
People who are really blessed are very kind!
Between husband and wife is to learn from each other to make up for each other, life will be more and more happy. \ n​
I used my secondary account to add my husband Wechat and sent him a picture. He blocked me.
May you be a light in the place where you exist, illuminating the corner of the world.
There is a kind of advanced self-cultivation, which is called not to blame in case of trouble.
When you have a good heart and a big pattern, God will not treat you badly.
Behind all the big patterns, there is a kind of kindness.
Positive discipline is the best method of education.
The children raised by these families are more promising when they grow up, aren't they?
How much dignity you keep for yourself when you leave the game, and how much applause you will get when you return.
Yu Minhong, I respect you as a man!
Bad people, bad things.
Think about something before you go to bed
There is no road in vain in life, everything is the best arrangement.
See you in November. Hello in December.